Thursday 15 September 2022

Task of the short story 'The Last Leaf'

 Short Story

Link of the Short story The last Leaf 

Click here to see the story 

Post task

Dear students

Here, I am sharing the post task of the story which we learnt in the today's lecture. I am sharing few questions regarding the story you have to answers those questions give below.


1) Write down the importance of an artist in your words within a paragraph.

2) List out any three things which you learnt from the story.

3) What is the importance of positive thinking in our life? Try to connect it with the story.

4) What is the contribution of Behrman in the life of Johnsy?


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  2. 3).Lower rates of depression. Lower levels of distress and pain. Greater resistance to illnesses. Better psychological and physical well-being.

  3. 4).Behrman was a old artist who had a dream to paint a masterpiece. His painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of Johnsy. His masterpiece was the leaf that he painted on the wall opposite Johnsy's window- healthy like a real leaf.

  4. ans 2:-
    1.real friend is one who helps you in need.

    2.We should always be positive.

    3.Life is precious and faith and hope should never be lost. We face many hurdles in life and must overcome them by fighting with a high spirit. (Answer 2)

  5. Ans:-3).Lower rates of depression. Lower levels of distress and pain. Greater resistance to illnesses. Better psychological and physical well-being.


    1. 2).
      1.real friend is one who helps you in need.

      2.We should always be positive.

      3.Life is precious and faith and hope should never be lost. We face many hurdles in life and must overcome them by fighting with a high spirit.

  6. Ans:-4).Behrman was a old artist who had a dream to paint a masterpiece. His painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of Johnsy. His masterpiece was the leaf that he painted on the wall opposite Johnsy's window- healthy like a real leaf.


  7. 3).
    Lower rates of depression. Lower levels of distress and pain. Greater resistance to illnesses. Better psychological and physical well-being.

  8. Answer - 2
    1.real friend is one who helps you in need.

    2.We should always be positive.

    3.Life is precious and faith and hope should never be lost. We face many hurdles in life and must overcome them by fighting with a high spirit.

  9. Answer - 3
    Lower rates of depression. Lower levels of distress and pain. Greater resistance to illnesses. Better psychological and physical well-being

  10. 4).
    Behrman was a 60-year old artist who had a dream to paint a masterpiece. His painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of Johnsy. His masterpiece was the leaf that he painted on the wall opposite Johnsy's window- healthy like a real leaf.

  11. Answer - 4
    Behrman was a 60-year old artist who had a dream to paint a masterpiece. His painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of Johnsy. His masterpiece was the leaf that he painted on the wall opposite Johnsy's window- healthy like a real leaf.

  12. 3).Lower rates of depression. Lower levels of distress and pain. Greater resistance to illnesses. Better psychological and physical well-being

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  14. (Answer-1) An artist is a creator who molds and shapes something. An artist is someone who describes themselves to people through another object or medium.

  15. (Answer 2) (1) where there is a will,there is always a way,
    (2) Don't lose heart,
    (3) Helping people through the art we have.

  16. (Answer 3) If positive thoughts come in our life then we can live a happy and good life. As in the story, Johnny got a positive thought from a leaf and became healthy.

  17. (Answers 4) Behrman is very important in Johnny's life because he gave him a new life and a new art of living.

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  19. (ans:- 1) an artist is a creator who molds and shapes something. An artist is someone who describes themselves to people through another object or medium

    (Ans:- 2) 1. Real friend is one who helps you in need
    2. We should always be positive
    3. Life is precious and faith and hope should never be lost. We face many hurdles in life and must overcome them by fighting with a high spirit.

    (Ans:- 3) lower rastes of depression lower levels of distress and pain. Greater resistance to illnesses better psychological and physical well being.

    (Ans:- 4) behrman was a old artist who had a are am to paint a masterpiece. His painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of johnsy
    His master piece was the leaf that he painted on the wall opposite johnsy's window - healthy like real leaf

  20. Answer 1. An artist is a creator who
    mouldss and shapes something an artist is someone . Who describes themselves to people through another object or medium.

    Answer 2. Real friend is one who helps you in need. We should always be positive. Life is precious and faith and hope should never be lost . We face many hurdles in life and must overcome them by fighting with a high spirit.

    Answer 3. Lower rates of depression . Lower levels of distress and pain creater resistance to illnesses better psychological and physical well - being.

    Answer 4. Behraman was a old artist who had a dream to paint a masterpiece . His paintings of an leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of johnsy . His masterpiece was the leaf that he painted on the wall opposite johnsy's window - healthy like a real leaf.

  21. Ans 1:- An artist is a creator who mouldss And shpes something an artist Someone. Who describes themselves to people through another object or medium

    Ans 2:-. Real friend is Ane who helps you in need we should always be positive. Life is precious and faith and hope should never be lost we face many hurdles in life and must overcome them by fighting with ahigh spirit.

    Ans 3:-lower restes of depression lowe levels of distress and pain. Greater resistance to illnesses bettepsychological and physical well being

    Ans 4 :- behrman was a old artist who had a are am to paint a masterpiece. His painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of johnsy . His master piece was the leaf that he painted on the well opposite johnsy's windows -healthy like real leaf

  22. Ans 1 :- an artist is a creator who mouldss and shopes something an artist is someone who describes themselves to people through another object or medium.

    Ans 2 :- real friend is one who helps you in need we should always be is precious and faith and hope should never be lost .we face many hurdless in life and must overcome them by fighting with a high spirit.

    Ans 3:- lower restes of depression lower levels of distress and pain.greater resistance to illnesses better psychology and physical will being.

    Ans 4 :- Berman was a old arlist who had a are am to paint a masterpiece.his painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of johnsy his master piece was the leaf that he painted on the well opposite that he painted on the well opposite johnsy's window healthy like real liaf

  23. artist is a creator who molds and shapes something. An artist is someone who describes themselves to people through another object or medium.
    2.A real friend is one who comes in handy in times of trouble.One should not be negative in life.
    3.If there is no positivity in life, we remain physically and mentally unwell due to negativity.

  24. 1:- Artist is a person whose art gives you motivation, knowledge, peace, etc.

    2:- I learn never be demotivated, real friend never leave you in any situation and real Artists art look like real thing etc.

    3 :- By the positive thinking you are able to defend your self from illness like johnsy.

    4:- Behrman was an artist who makes an art, that art look like real leaf by that leaf johnsy has been encouraged to live life and defend her illness

  25. 1. An artist means he himself can explain his knowledge to others.He is the Creator. For example an artist
    2.(1)People do what they think.
    (2)The mind should always be fixed.
    (3)We should always think positive.
    3.If we don't think positively, death can also happen.
    4.BehrMan is like a doctor in her life.

  26. 1)Artists provide creative, intellectual and emotional insights into society at large, impacting the masses and challenging the status quo. Art helps cultures unite and boosts economic growth—helping the world become a prettier, better and happier place to live in.
    1.alway be happy
    2.think positive
    3.believe in your self always
    3) 1.happiness
    3.self esteem
    4.better health

    4) behrman always given confidence to johnsy.

  27. ans.11)Artists provide creative, intellectual and emotional insights into society at large, impacting the masses and challenging the status quo. Art helps cultures unite and boosts economic growth—helping the world become a prettier, better and happier place to live in.
    1.alway be happy
    2.think positive
    3.believe in your self always
    ans 3) 1.happiness
    3.self esteem
    4.better health
    4) behrman always given confidence to johnsy.

  28. 1.real friend is one who helps you in need.
    We should always be positiveLife is precious and faith and hope should never be lost. We face many hurdles in life and must overcome them by fighting with a high spirit.
    Ans 2 :- real friend is one who helps you in need we should always be is precious and faith and hope should never be lost .we face many hurdless in life and must overcome them by fighting with a high spirit.
    Ans 3:- lower restes of depression lower levels of distress and pain.greater resistance to illnesses better psychology and physical will being.
    Ans 4 :- Berman was a old arlist who had a are am to paint a masterpiece.his painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of johnsy his master piece was the leaf that he painted on the well opposite that he painted on the well opposite johnsy's window healthy like real liaf

  29. 1. An artist is a creator who molds and shapes something. An artist is someone who describes himself to the public through another object or medium.

  30. 1. An artist means he himself can explain his knowledge to others.He is the Creator. For example an artist
    (1)People do what they think.
    (2)The mind should always be fixed.
    (3)We should always think positive.

    3.If we don't think positively, death can also happen.
    4.BehrMan is like a doctor in her life.

  31. 2. The way shown is always two positive.

  32. 3.If positive thoughts come in our life then we can live a happy and good life. As in the story, Johnny got a positive thought from a leaf and became healthy.

  33. 1.real friend is one who helps you in need.
    2.Negative thinking should not be kept
    3.The way shown is always two positive.

  34. 1.real friend is one who helps you in need.

    2.We should always be positive.

    3.Life is precious and faith and hope should never be lost. We face many hurdles in life and must overcome them by fighting with a high spirit.

  35. 1)Artists provide creative, intellectual and emotional insights into society at large, impacting the masses and challenging the status quo. Art helps cultures unite and boosts economic growth—helping the world become a prettier, better and happier place to live in.
    1.alway be happy
    2.think positive
    3.believe in your self always
    3) 1.happiness
    3.self esteem
    4.better health
    4) behrman always given confidence to johnsy.

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  37. 1)Artists provide creative, intellectual and emotional insights into society at large, impacting the masses and challenging the status quo. Art helps cultures unite and boosts economic growth—helping the world become a prettier, better and happier place to live in.

  38. 2)
    1.alway be happy
    2.think positive
    3.believe in your self always

  39. 1) કલાકારો સમાજમાં સર્જનાત્મક, બૌદ્ધિક અને ભાવનાત્મક આંતરદૃષ્ટિ પ્રદાન કરે છે, જનતાને અસર કરે છે અને યથાસ્થિતિને પડકારે છે. કલા સંસ્કૃતિઓને એક થવામાં મદદ કરે છે અને આર્થિક વિકાસને વેગ આપે છે - વિશ્વને રહેવા માટે એક સુંદર, બહેતર અને સુખી સ્થળ બનવામાં મદદ કરે છે
    . 3. આત્મસન્માન 4. વધુ સારું સ્વાસ્થ્ય 4) બેહરમાન હંમેશા જોન્સીને વિશ્વાસ આપે છે.

  40. 3) 1.happiness
    3.self esteem
    4.better health

  41. 4) behrman always given confidence to johnsy.

  42. 1. An artist is a sage and has art to present to the public.


    1. If we keep positive thoughts in life, we can get joy, happiness, peace and prosperity in life.

    2. We act as we think.

    3. Having good friends in life.

    4. If there are positive thoughts in life, life will be fun.

  43. Ans. 4 : Behram considered johnsy as his daughter. He couldn't see her suffering so his life To save him without thinking of his own life, draw him a leaf and make him think positive and save his life.

    Ans. 2: 1. positive attitude and positive thinking are most important in our whole life.2. Art is most powerful then medicine and doctor.3. Atrue friend can never see his friend in pain.

    Ans.1: Artists provide their community with joy, interaction,and inspiration, but they also give thoughtful critique to our political, economic,and social systems and make staps towards social progress.

    Ans.3: positive thinking is most important in life because positive thinking is make our mind strong.

  44. (1) an artist never dies , artist doesn't get tired

    (2) - always keep smiling
    - always be active
    -always keep a positive attitude
    (3) if you have stay positive and positive, you will one day get the success you need
    (4) always be positive and stay strong
    - never give up the last hope

  45. 1) An artist is one who works hard to prove that his art is the best

  46. 1)A person who works in, or is skilld in the technique of, any of the fine arts.
    2) 1 Life is precious and faith
    2 we should always be positive
    3 don't loss hear
    3) positive thoughts not only give us positive energy but also decrease negative energy by keeping all the worries and distraction at day.
    4) Behrman was a old man and good artist.They dream to paint a masterpiece.He is very important in Johnny's life because he gave him positive thinking and art is very important our life.

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  48. 1. Artist's artistry is very important for his art. In this story there is a painter named Behrman who starts painting anytime anywhere.
    2. We should never lose hope and faith.
    3. Positive thoughts are very important in your life because our positive thoughts help to remove the worries related to the events of your life. In this story, Jenshi did not give up hope and her health could also improve.
    4.Behrman was a neighbor of Jenshi who was an old and great painter. The leaf that the painter named Behrman had painted was the reason for his recovery. It was because of its blackness that the art of all the artists could come alive.

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  50. 1. Artists record and preserve our human history
    From prehistoric cave paintings to frescos around the world, to scientific drawings, to the avant-garde movements, artists have contributed to expanding human evolution from many different perspectives.

    2.(1)People do what they think.
    (2)The mind should always be fixed.
    (3)We should always think positive.

    3.Having good friends in life.

    4.behrman was a old artist who had a are am to paint a masterpiece. His painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of johnsy
    His master piece was the leaf that he painted on the wall opposite johnsy's window - healthy like real leaf

  51. [12/24, 4:07 PM] Artists provide creative, intellectual and emotional insights into society at large, impacting the masses and challenging the status quo. Art helps cultures unite and boosts economic growth—helping the world become a prettier, better and happier place to live in.
    [12/24, 4:07 PM]
    1.alway be happy
    2.think positive
    3.believe in your self always
    [12/24, 4:07 PM] 3) 1.happiness
    3.self esteem
    4.better health
    4) behrman always given confidence to johnsy.

  52. 1). A person who works in, or is skilld in the technique of, any of the fine arts.

    2).(1) Life is precious and faith
    (2 )we should always be positive
    (3) don't loss hear

    3) .bpositive thoughts not only give us positive energy but also decrease negative energy by keeping all the worries and distraction at day.

    4). Behrman was a old man and good artist.They dream to paint a Street .He is very important in Johnny's life because he gave him idea for positive thinking and art is very important in her life.

  53. 1.An artist is one who works hard to prove that his art is the best
    2.To bring out one's art, to wait until the end, to do as the mind dictates
    3.Good thinking gives inspiration in life
    4.He was an important person who motivated him to do good work

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. 1) Each artist plays a distinct and necessary part in contributing to the overall health, development and well-being of our society.Creative thinkers and makers bring joy, interaction and inspiration to their communities.
    2) 1.alway be happy
    2.think positive
    3.believe in your self always
    3) it is including happiness in our life
    4) The agency struggled to sustain its life because of the picture painted by Burman.

  56. 1 : Art help you process your emotions and make sense of your surroundings.

    2 : Life is precious and faith and hope should never be lost.

    3 : By doing what you like and giving your time to it, major illnesses are also removed.

    4 : Behrman provided Jonesy with hope through his art.

  57. 1. An artist is a creator who
    mouldss and shapes something an artist is someone . Who describes themselves to people through another object or medium.
    2 :- real friend is one who helps you in need we should always be is precious and faith and hope should never be lost .we face many hurdless in life and must overcome them by fighting with a high spirit.
    3) If positive thoughts come in our life then we can live a happy and good life. As in the story, Johnny got a positive thought from a leaf and became healthy.
    4).Behrman was a old artist who had a dream to paint a masterpiece. His painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of Johnsy. His masterpiece was the leaf that he painted on the wall opposite Johnsy's window- healthy like a real leaf.

  58. Ans.(1) an artist who tries hard enough to shape his art is someone who describes his art through art.
    And.(2) 1.a to friend never see his friend in pain
    2. Positive thinking is most important in our life.
    3:- By the positive thinking you are able to defend your self from illness like johnsy.
    4:- Behrman was an artist who makes an art, that art look like real leaf by that leaf johnsy has been encouraged to live life and defend her illness

  59. 1.Art can communicate information, shape our everyday lives, make a social statement and be enjoyed for aesthetic beauty.
    2.We should always be positive.
    3.In life we ​​have good friends
    4.If there are positive thoughts in life, life will be fun.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. 1.An artist conveys his own skills to the people
    2.(!)After a person is gone, their memories live on
    (!!) Always be happy
    3.Behrman was an artist who makes an art, that art look like real leaf by that leaf johnsy has been encouraged to live life and defend her illness
    4.behrman was a old artist who had a are am to paint a masterpiece. His painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of johnsy
    His master piece was the leaf that he painted on the wall opposite johnsy's window - healthy like real leaf

  62. is the activities by person heving experienced emotion
    2. If you keep positive thoughts in life, you get happiness and peace in life
    3) We should have faith and hope in life. Face many problems in life and overcome them.
    4) Sister is very important in John C's life that she saved Jonesy's life by painting a leaf.

  63. 1) Artist is a person whose art gives you motivation ,knowledge,peace etc.

    2) Real friend never leave you in any situation I learn never be demotivated.

    3)By the positive thinking you are able to defend yourself from illness like johnsy.

    4)Behrman was artist who makes an art,that art look like real leaf by that leaf johnsy has been encouraged to live life and defend her illness.

  64. 1. As we live in a global village, we are somehow all connected via some form of social media. Artists are no longer hermits and we are all "out there [in the world]". I hope my role as an artist is to inspire, connect, and collaborat

    2. Think positive
    People don't give up
    Learn friend ship

    3. if you have stay positive and positive, you will one day get the success you

    4:- Behrman was an artist who makes an art, that art look like real leaf by that leaf johnsy has been encouraged to live life and defend her illness

  65. 1.Artists play a crucial role in society by creating and sharing their artistic works, which can inspire and enrich the lives of others. Through their creativity and self-expression, artists can challenge and expand our understanding of the world, and provide a unique perspective on social and cultural issues. In addition, artists can be catalysts for change and inspire others to think outside of the box and to see things in a different light. They can also bring people together and create a sense of community through their art, whether it be through exhibitions, performances, or simply through sharing their work online. Ultimately, the importance of artists lies in their ability to inspire and connect with others, and to provide a voice and outlet for creativity and self-expression.

    2. Think positive
    People don't give up
    Learn friendship

    3.By the positive thinking you are able to defend your self from illness like johnsy.

    4:- Behrman was an artist who makes an art, that art look like real leaf by that leaf johnsy has been encouraged to live life and defend her illness

  66. 1:-Artist was dide but art was never died
    2:- think positive
    People don't give up
    3:-keep smileing
    Always happy
    More thoughts in our mind
    4:-behrman was an was an famous for her painting.he was paint the last leaf.and because of her was alive

  67. 1. An artist is a creator who
    mouldss and shapes something an artist is someone . Who describes themselves to people through another object or medium.

    2) Real friend never leave you in any situation I learn never be demotivated.

    3:- By the positive thinking you are able to defend your self from illness like johnsy.

    4 :- Berman was a old arlist who had a are am to paint a masterpiece.his painting of an ivy leaf was his masterpiece which saved the life of johnsy his master piece was the leaf that he painted on the well opposite that he painted on the well opposite johnsy's window healthy like real liaf.

  68. 1 :- I believe that the artist's role, above all things, is to be as true to themselves as they can within society, the community, and the world at large. This sounds like a cliche but is in itself much harder than it seems.
    2 :- Think positive
    People don't give up
    Learn friendship
    3 :- keep smiling
    Always happy
    Postive thoughts in our mind.
    4 :- behrman was an artist.It was an famous for her painting. He was paint the last leaf And because of her was alive.

  69. 1) kala means a person creates painting,sculpture, writing, through his imagination. The art of artist is equally important. In this story, there are two artist
    2) A friend should be someone who help in times of need. No matter what the situation is, we must not give up when faced with a problem, it is solved by facing it. We should keep the spread positive
    3) we should always imagine a positive slope. Being free from illness or suffering and having a positive outlook
