Thursday 15 April 2021

Review of different novels

Give the answers of questions given below
1) Make a note on the significance of the title
2) Which is your favourite dialogue in the novel and Why?
3) Who is your favourite character in the novel? and justify it.
4) Which kind of struggle you can see in the novel?
5) Write a summary of the novel.


  1. 1.
    Ans:The importance of this novel is that dy reading the novel one can learn what kind of relationships to build in society,there behave to develop a foothold in the society,and not to borrow too much to keep everyone together ets. This is a gaban novel of the inportant novel.

    1. 2.Ans:-
      My favourite dialogue is the jalpa and Ratan.thay era beautiful dialogue.jalpa and ratan was two friends.there is a dialogue between the two,both help each other.jalpa had a family and he gave it to ratan,both ratan and jalpa was fond of jewelery.ratan used to go to jalpa house everyday to talk go out to see movies.
      There was giving news of sorrow .in this way dialogue was taking place between ratan and jalpa.

    2. 3.ans:-
      This novel is the favourite character of the ratan.because ratan was also jalpa friend.she was very kind.she was also loving and simple human.ratan was very found of ,playing,watching,movies and watching paly.there was no discrimination against anyone race.she always told the truth.she gave good advice to this way my character in the novel is ratan.

    3. 4.ans:-
      -the struggle of this my novels.
      1.this novel is the struggle with a himself har.
      2.the struggle is between Human with nature.
      3.the struggle is also has a between two mem.
      4.the struggle of human with society.
      5.the struggle between husband with wife.

    4. 5.ans:-
      -this Gabon novel is written by which she showed woman how to influence her husband.
      This novel is about two lucky woman.there was a woman named jalpa who was very beautiful and influential.jalpawas a very thought ful woman.she thought my father-in law would be rich with party.but her hasband ramnath was working in the municipality ofice.ramnath used the office Mony and left home.jalpa is very sad. Ramnath left the house because he was not afraid of the police.ratan was friend of jalpa,ramnath husband alsodied.after ratan husband death,her hsuband brother snatched all her property.ratan was horrified of fired.ratan never got out of the car,but ten to walks to jalpa house.whan jalpa head the news of ramnath she left to meet him.where ramnath was staying was house of an old man.ramnath had forgotten jalpa,he was about to give a false vest to the police.a lot of people in it go to cout trap him.who was innocent.finally jalpa was returns of home.

  2. Nove: The old man and the sea ans1 : In this title the old man and the sea which the sea is the old man's myth. It becomes a metaphor for his love , struggle, youth and sea is his very identify. And we can also see the relationship between the old man and nature more like friendship.And old man remain alone in sea 3 days. So the old man and the see title is appropriate. Ans:2 In the old man and the see my favorite dialogue is "But man is not made for defeat, A man can be destroyed, but not defeated".This dialogue said by Santiago. This is my favorite dialogue because this little dialogue teaches lot. As such there are a many problems and difficulties come our life and we accept defeat but here explain that in any critical situation, we never give up and we always fight our problem because we not made for defeat. Ans:3 Manolin is my favorite character in this novel. Manolin is present only in the beginning and at the end in the story, but his presence is important because Manolin's devotion to Santiago highlights, Santiago's value as a person as a fishermen. Manolin demonstrates his love for Santiago openly. Manolin did not work with Santiago because his parents transfer to another boat however Manolin always help to Santiago. Such a manolin's loves, admires and cares for the old man. Ans:4 I can see many type of struggle in this novel like that 1. Struggle between the old man and nature 2.Struggle between Manolin and his parents 3.Struggle between Santiago and his body. Ans:5 Summary of the novel In this story, the old man ,whose name is Santiago, he is a cuban fisherman. He is unlucky fisherman, who went 85 days in the sea without catching any fish. And the second main character is Manolin who work with the old man but after 84 days they didn't catch any fish so Manolin's parents removed him from the old man boat and transfer to another boat however manolin help to the old man. They talks about Santiago's favorite baseball. And the real story beginning when the old man goes to the sea alone one morning. On the eighty - fifth day of he going far out in to the Gulf Stream. At noon his bait taken by a big fish that is sure is a marlin. Marlin is name of fish which is very large fish. He caught the marlin in the hook. Marlin is very large fish so it's difficult to handle it. And finally Santiago kill Marlin with his harpoon and straps the Marlin to the side of his skiff. But when he go to shore that time on his way sharks are attracted to the marlin's blood. Then Santiago kill the big shark but he lose his weapon. He make new harpoon and may be Santiago kill 5 sharks. But sharks keep coming and almost eaten the marlin's entire carcass, leaving a skeleton. And then the old man reaches the shore and he goes his home and he falls into a deep sleep. The boy finds him the next morning and he worries about the old man. Other fisherman measured the skeleton and found it was eighteen feet long. And then again the old man and manolin decided that they will gone once again in to the sea for fishing. And old man sleep and see dreams of his youth of lions on an African beach.

  3. Nove: The old man and the sea ans1 : In this title the old man and the sea which the sea is the old man's myth. It becomes a metaphor for his love , struggle, youth and sea is his very identify. And we can also see the relationship between the old man and nature more like friendship.And old man remain alone in sea 3 days. So the old man and the see title is appropriate. Ans:2 In the old man and the see my favorite dialogue is "But man is not made for defeat, A man can be destroyed, but not defeated".This dialogue said by Santiago. This is my favorite dialogue because this little dialogue teaches lot. As such there are a many problems and difficulties come our life and we accept defeat but here explain that in any critical situation, we never give up and we always fight our problem because we not made for defeat. Ans:3 Manolin is my favorite character in this novel. Manolin is present only in the beginning and at the end in the story, but his presence is important because Manolin's devotion to Santiago highlights, Santiago's value as a person as a fishermen. Manolin demonstrates his love for Santiago openly. Manolin did not work with Santiago because his parents transfer to another boat however Manolin always help to Santiago. Such a manolin's loves, admires and cares for the old man. Ans:4 I can see many type of struggle in this novel like that 1. Struggle between the old man and nature 2.Struggle between Manolin and his parents 3.Struggle between Santiago and his body. Ans:5 Summary of the novel In this story, the old man ,whose name is Santiago, he is a cuban fisherman. He is unlucky fisherman, who went 85 days in the sea without catching any fish. And the second main character is Manolin who work with the old man but after 84 days they didn't catch any fish so Manolin's parents removed him from the old man boat and transfer to another boat however manolin help to the old man. They talks about Santiago's favorite baseball. And the real story beginning when the old man goes to the sea alone one morning. On the eighty - fifth day of he going far out in to the Gulf Stream. At noon his bait taken by a big fish that is sure is a marlin. Marlin is name of fish which is very large fish. He caught the marlin in the hook. Marlin is very large fish so it's difficult to handle it. And finally Santiago kill Marlin with his harpoon and straps the Marlin to the side of his skiff. But when he go to shore that time on his way sharks are attracted to the marlin's blood. Then Santiago kill the big shark but he lose his weapon. He make new harpoon and may be Santiago kill 5 sharks. But sharks keep coming and almost eaten the marlin's entire carcass, leaving a skeleton. And then the old man reaches the shore and he goes his home and he falls into a deep sleep. The boy finds him the next morning and he worries about the old man. Other fisherman measured the skeleton and found it was eighteen feet long. And then again the old man and manolin decided that they will gone once again in to the sea for fishing. And old man sleep and see dreams of his youth of lions on an African beach.

  4. Ans:1) Novel(laxamanni agni parixa) in this novel what is totally meaningful is fond to be meaningful there isan occasion when bhanubhai, sarita and shashikant all gotothe farm and thete the robbers take sarita why did they take sita in ramayana? So shashikant says bhanubhai will se lava again. Ans:2)my favorite dialogue in this novel is Alpu written by latter 'Alpu bhanubhai' avu tenu nam lakhe chhehakikatama tena namani pachal shashi kant aavu joiae partu alpu te sachi vatni khabar pade chhe aetle aene aavu kru hoy chhe Ans:3)my favourite charecter in the novelis shashikant because he kept his wish unfulfilledand as hisfriend said he gotmarried to her and took careof both them and his fathers wish tomarry him was unfulfilled and regardlessof what society would call him h practiced celibacyall his life. Ans 4) Here isee two struggle in this novel is manubhai charecters struggling with his illness and scondly with the society from shashikant's remarriage Ans 5) the novel has a psychological social environment and refers to christian society the novelis divided into parts uttradh and purvadhvuttradh hasa plot and text in the form of an autobiography and bhanubhai is struggling with his illness he has blood kensour this is because of the fact that it is not possible for a person to have a good ralationship with his or her spouse then Alpu realizes the fact that he is not my dad so he gets away from them all and finally he finds out the truth so he comes back with it all and this is the happynding of this novel

  5. The Review of Pinjar.

    1.Ans: Pinjar is most appropriate title for this novel.Pinjar is a punjabi word which means skeleton.First there is no idea from this title but ,after reading this novel and think deeply then we understand this meaning and also this is philosophical title.A women who faced lot of problems from society and gradually ,she became only skeleton which have not any emotions and fellings.Thus,pinjar is the best title.

    2.Ans: My favourite dialogue in the novel that is : You can not build a happy home with stolen bricks.
    This is shows the reality of life and give major thought to us.So I like this.

    3.Ans: My favourite character from this novel is Puro. Puro is normal girl and have many dreams like every girls have,but suddenly her life changed.She was abducted by muslim man Rashid and he forcely married with her after she had not love of family .she faced lot of problems from society.But she did not lose her courage.she is very strong woman and she conquered any problem.She is very intelligent and she solved all the problems with her confidence.That's why my favourte character is puro.

    4.Ans: In this novelthere is struggle between women and Society. In this novel there is one sentence that it was the crime to be born a girl. In society there is no identity of women. Men always insult women.In every situation society supported men. In this novel there is a character of Kammo whose mother died and her father married another women that's why her father sent her in her aunts home.Her aunt teased her .Taro was also another character whose husband had another wife and he annoyed Taro very much .also there is another character was a mad women who is mentally unstable and someone raped her. This kind of struggle which was faced by women in this noel.

    5.Ans: Summery

    This story is about puro who is a Hindu girl when Puro's marriage fixed out then Rashid named Muslim man abducted her for taking revenge of his grandparents then he forcely married with her .but he was not annoying her .In the story came the kammo named girl who had not mother and she stay with her aunt but she always tease her. Then in novel came the Taro named girl whose husband married another woman and he annoyed Taro very much. after in novel came the mad woman who is mentally unstable and someone raped Her. During gave birth of son she was died at that time puro take her son and give him love of mother after that some Hindu obsessed that mad woman was Hindu that's why this was the boy of Hindu so you could not take care of him and the forcely take him but when the son crying and not stop so Hindu gave him back. after that when India and Pakistan had divided at that time puro's bhabhi Laajo was abducted by some Muslim man and then puro saved Laajo and she gave her back to her brother at that time puro's brother asked her that can't you come with us? at that time puro's heart breaked and she cried a lot and replied her brother that my home is now Pakistan.

  6. Q-1.answer : My novel title is kaumudi.kaumudi is a one character of this novel.kaumudi is a Ramkrushnayyas daughter Ramkrushnayya very much love to her daughter.kaumudi is very smart girl.kaumudi is one of the main character of this novel.
    Q-2 .answer : My favourite dialogue of this novel is Jagannathams dialogue ;" they happened that he likes to know about histories smbryos undertoned stones and rocks to get knowledge about offer to curiosity than it's better to behither the best known about alive humanism's about their auspicious working",this line are true so I like this dailogue.
    Q-3 answer : My favourite character is Ramkrushnayya ,because he conflict with society and how bacome a richest person in society.and Ramkrishnayya give freedom to his son and daughter. Specialy he give more freedom to his daughter as much give none give as society's to they daughters.that is reason to I like this character.
    Q-4 answer : In this novel I can see the social conflicts with society. He work hard and how became a reachest person.

    Q-5 answer : this novel is divided in many plots the first plot is started with news papers one corner headline and jagganatham want curiosity to know about this news and this news about that how can one shepherd to beaten a Panther in forest.jagganatham not interested to know about that news but when that shepherd beat a panther he knows about that place.this place Is hestorical place and jagganatham want to like to know about historical places To combine information about that type of places.and after the Storie is remaining and he met with Manny persons like Chiramulu (a panther beatener),Yadgirirav,sharmaji(historian),kaumudi(Ramkrus
    hnayyas daughter) Ramkrishnayya -( was a wood merchant),shankaram(kaumudi s husband),in this novel how can Ramkrushnayya struggle with society and became a reachest person.he was uneducated person and his biographys information in this novel.

  7. Q-1 Answer: the novel is dariya.the novel written by josef mekvan.Dariya is the story of a helpless woman whose forehead was the source of lifelong suffering. In Urdu, Daria Nirant is a synonym of flowing river.

    Q-2 Answer: My favorite character is Shantu Kaka. And this character can stop everyone's fights and everyone believes in it. In my opinion, this is right.

    Q-3 Answer: My favorite dialogue is the mouth of the mouth and the mother of the sea because the main dialogue of one of them runs the whole novel. So that is my favorite dialogue.

    Q-4 Answer: Different types of discrimination are found in this novel.Casteism comes to the fore in this, so that different types of discrimination are seen in caste.

    Q-5 Answer: In this novel we It is about the Valmiki society and all the sufferings that a woman has suffered in this sea novel. So even in this there is a low society and its thing, so we have to understand that this.

  8. Q-1 Answer: the novel is dariya.the novel written by josef mekvan.Dariya is the story of a helpless woman whose forehead was the source of lifelong suffering. In Urdu, Daria Nirant is a synonym of flowing river.

    Q-2 Answer: My favorite character is Shantu Kaka. And this character can stop everyone's fights and everyone believes in it. In my opinion, this is right.

    Q-3 Answer: My favorite dialogue is the mouth of the mouth and the mother of the dariya because the main dialogue of one of them runs the whole novel. So that is my favorite dialogue.

    Q-4 Answer: Different types of discrimination are found in this novel.Casteism comes to the fore in this, so that different types of discrimination are seen in caste.

    Q-5 Answer: In this novel we It is about the Valmiki society and all the sufferings that a woman has suffered in this dariya novel. So even in this there is a low society and its thing, so we have to understand that this.

  9. "અગ્નિ કન્યા"
    -By Dhruv bhatt
    Ans 1: Title of novel 'Agnikanya'
    When we take that novel in our hands and we are acquainted from epic Mahabharata that is common we can't understand why poet gave that title to that novel and that is appropriate or not?
    After reading novel i come to know that why Dhruv Bhatt gave that title to this novel.
    Because as we know fire is representative of war and also Draupadi was also born from "putra kameshthi yagna"; when that whole novel is about Draupadi's life and Mahabharata's war,'kanya'means any girl,here we take Draupadi as 'અગ્નિ કન્યા'.

    Ans 2: There are many dialogues are my favourite, because that novel is based on our great epic 'Mahabharata'.
    There is one dialogue between Draupadi and shree Krishna,and Draupadi says to Krishna that"તમે પુરુષ છો અને સમર્થ છો, જ્યારે હું....."
    And krishna says to draupadi "સ્ત્રી છો અને સમર્થ છો, કૃષ્ણ અને કૃષ્ણા માં તાત્વિક રીતે કોઈ ભેદ નથી; પ્રશ્ન છે તો માત્ર શ્રદ્ધાનો..."
    That means Krishna also believes that there is no any philosophical difference between
    men and women question is only about every one's faith.Lady is also same able as men to do any kind of work.
    Ans 3: There are many great characters in that novel like shree Krishna,Bhishma,Arjuna, Draupadi Ghatotkacha and Abhimanyu.
    But my favourite character is Karna who had great stable and self confidence also.
    He was always believed that"Even the thought of conquering other's, burns me to hell".
    For him there is no difference between the son of sun and the son of chareoteer,if he has to face any existence from the fear of death and then have to live with that stigma.
    I like karna's attitudes that's why karna is my favourite character from this novel
    Ans 4: I can find such a struggles like....

    1. Karna and kunti face struggle from the
    2. Good man Yudhishthira face struggle from
    evil Shakuni.
    3.Karna and Arjuna face struggle when they both
    were good men.
    4.Draupadi and Sahdev face struggle with him
    and her self.etc

    Ans 5: Summary of the novel....

    The novel Agni kanya is whole about Draupadi's life, regarding to the epic Mahabharata.
    The novel begins such a way that'Dhrupad'( the king of panchal) desires a mighty son to avenge himself on Drona (Guru of kaurava and pandava)and meet the sage Upayaj,who can fulfill the intention of Dhrupad.
    After that all process Draupadi and Dhrushtdhumna born from 'putra kameshthi yagna'

  10. Ans 5:(Agni kanya novel)
    After her birth we can see many forms of Draupadi like,a good daughter,wife, sometimes serving sages, seeking justice from elders in full gatherings, about religion with Krishna, inspiring for war, sometimes architect, wanna to take revenge and finally wanting to be reborn on an unarmed earth and cover her existence in the snow.

  11. 1.ans:The novel Samskara by U.R. Anantha Murthy, translated by A.K. Ramanujan, is a novel about the people in a Brahmin agrahara trying to decide what to do about a dead man's body, and who should perform his death rites.

    2.ans:Lakshmidevamma, the child-widow, is the old, lonely woman who is on the outs of her village. Bhagivathi, the Acharya's wife, is an invalid and a symbol of Praneshacharya's tapas, or penance. Finally, there are the Brahmin wives, such as Anasuya and Sitadevi, who represent all Brahmin women and women in general. All the women in Samskara represent any other women like them in their choices, actions, and the ways they are described.

    3.ans:While trying to decide this, the roles of many characters are questioned, and the roles of women are brought up. Chandri, a low-caste woman who was sleeping with the dead man, Naranappa, is an example for all women of such a caste. Putta's Wife, only mentioned briefly, represents women who are between-caste, or from mixed caste marriages or are in them themselves.

    4.ans:Praneshacharya spent all his life in intellectual and spiritual pursuits. He married an invalid and tortured himself so as to purify his soul. His wife advised him to marry another women so as to get a child, but he refused to yield. He believed in Lord Krishna’s advice : ‘Do what is to be done with no thought of fruit.

    5.ans:The first chapter begins narrating the routine activities of Praneschacharya. His activities are divided into domestic and religious. He begins a day by doing his regular duty of helping his wife in getting bathed. It is understood from the first line, “He bathed Bhagirathi’s body…”, that she is almost a vegetable. It is he who bathes her, dresses her up, feeds her with the essential food and administers with regular medicine.
    After completing his domestic duties, he then crosses a stream to worship at Maruti temple and comes back home for his recitation of holy legends. The Brahmins of the agrahara (the place a Brahmin community lives) regularly assembles in front of his house to listen to his recitation, both in the morning and in the evening. He is a scholar and his recitations are new every day.
    Praneschacharya sacrifices his life for the sake of his wife and she understands his pain and the marital bliss that he lacks. Therefore she asks him to marry again and bring forth children, to make his house a home. Nevertheless, Praneschacharya refuses to marry, believing in Lord Krishna’s will, that one should not expect reward for his/her toil. Moreover everyday when they eat, both of them request the other to eat first. These instances show the mutual love and concern they have for each other.
    The family of Lakshmanacharya and Garudacharya are perturbed by the decision of Praneshacharya because the golden ornaments would be taken away by the person who does the funeral rites. Lakshmanacharya’s wife Anasuya begins to claim the ornaments for her family as they are her dead sister’s jewelry. But Garuda says according to the verdict of Dharmasthala guru(chief), the ornaments should go to him. Praneshacharya silences both of them saying that cremation of Naranappa’s body is more important and asks them to be patient about the ornaments etc.
