Pallisamaj novel
Today in MRS there was a lecture by Bharat Maheta based on Pallisamaj. He is teaching in MS Uni. Baroda.This novel taught by Digantbhai Maheta to MRS students. Bharatbhai covered many aspects in his lecture. This novel shows the picture of village and its politics. Ramesh is a main character in this novel. Before the lecture of Bharatbhai Maheta, students compared this novel with the movie 'Swadesh' with showing the video clips. Because in movie as well as in novel the main character try to do the things for the village people. In our India caste is the biggest villain to make crises among people. There is a novel 'White tiger' written by Arvind Adiga. In that novel also Adiga try to show the true picture of India. There is also one issue regarding the widow in the novel Palllisamaj. In this novel Sharadbabu highlights the situation of poor people but he never touch the Dalit. So, we just think that what is their condition? Even they were not consider as human being in 1916. Thus, there are various aspects through which we can judge the novel. There is an images of today's lecture.