Friday, 18 November 2022

Epic Play

 Epic Play

a modern episodic drama that seeks to provoke objective understanding of a social problem through a series of loosely connected scenes that avoid illusion and often interrupt the action to address the audience directly with analysis or argument (as by a narrator) or with documentation (as by a film)

  • Captions explaining what’s going on on stage/screen.
  • Emphasises the audience’s perspective.
  • Actors summarizing events that have just played out.
  • Exposing set functions, like ropes, pulleys, and extras.
  • Screen projections or placards.
  • Actors interacting with the audience members.
  • Bringing audience members on stage.
  • Intentionally poor or ironic acting.
  • The actor steps out of their role.
  • The actor speaks the stage directions.

Thursday, 17 November 2022

Mahotu short film screening

Pre task
See the short film with maturity and observe it closely and try to understand the meaning. Analyse the characters, themes in your mind while seeing the movie.

Post task
1) Which are the social issues reflected in the film?
2) Analyse the symbols reflected in the film.
3) Which character attracts you more? Why?
4) What have you learnt from the film?
5) What is the connection between the film and our society?

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Diwali Celebration

Writing on the Celebration of Diwali

Our country is the country of variation. We are enjoying our life through the celebration of various festivals. Festivals are very useful in our life to get together and enjoy the moments of our life.

In our India we are celebrating various festivals like social festivals, religious festivals and national festivals. Some social festivals like Utarayan, New year, Rakshabandhan, etc. Some religious festivals like Holi, Navratri, Diwali, etc. Some national festivals like Republic day, Independence day, Gandhi Jayanti, etc. Thus, we are celebrating many festivals.

In this year on 24th October, 2022 we celebrated Diwali. Diwali is a Hindu holiday that celebrates joy, victory, and unity. This Hindu festival often takes place in October or November. It commemorates Lord Rama’s victory over Ravana and his return home after a 14-years exile. In truth, this event is a representation of the forces of good triumphing over the powers of evil. On Diwali, people also worship goddess Lakshmi. On the occasion of Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi is also worshipped for money and prosperity. Merchants celebrate this ‘New Year’ by opening new account books.

People invite their friends and family. Sweets are cooked and distributed among friends and relatives on this day. Everyone is dressed in new clothes. Children and teenagers dress up in their glitziest and most beautiful outfits. People light earthen oil lamps and decorate their homes with lights of all colours and sizes that dazzle at their front doors. Sparklers, rockets, flower pots, fountains, fireworks, and other types of fireworks are popular among children. In the dark night, the bright flames of the fireworks make for a beautiful scenario.

We have to remember that bursting crackers cause noise and pollution. It is extremely harmful to children and can result in catastrophic burns Bursting crackers reduces vision, causes irritation in the eyes and lowers the air quality index, contributing to the numerous mishaps that occur as a result of the event. Moreover, having a safe and environmentally friendly Diwali is crucial.

Diwali is known as the “Festival of Lights” and indeed the entire planet shines brightly on this day.

Write down on the Diwali festival and  your celebration of it.